Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chapel Update from Campus Pastor Noni Strand

We’ve had some meaningful services on campus in chapel this semester. Last week, our wonderful Bethany Handbell Ensemble performed and left us all entranced by their musicianship and skill! (I kept thinking how nice it will be when we have our new chapel and they don’t have to lug all their tables and bells over to Burnett Center from the third floor of Presser!)

The handbell ensemble recently returned from a tour through Iowa, including a concert at Bud’s beloved Lakes Art Center in Okoboji. For Ash Wednesday, the Chapel Choir sang adding such meaning and beauty to our worship. It was a full house that day as we began the season of Lent on campus.

Each year, we have a Lenten series to help us think about issues of faith and life. This year, we are focusing on “Wellness and Wholeness” in the midst of the national conversation around health care. We want to approach health and wellness, not from a political point of view, but as a broader conversation about what it means for us as humans in the midst of all of creation. What does it mean for us to be healthy, whole and well?

Five different people from campus will help us ponder seven types of wellness, based on a holistic wellness model from University of California Riverside. Together, we will consider social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, intellectual, physical and occupational wellness and how these intersect and interact in our lives as we seek to be people of health and wholeness. Then, during Holy Week, our series will conclude on Maundy Thursday with a Service of Healing.

We are fortunate, as a college of the Church, to be able to integrate faith and meaning into our daily life on campus and to think about issues together with thought and purpose. Chapel is a regular time for our community to gather, and we are blessed with so many talented people who share their thoughts. It’s exciting to think about how the presence of the new Pearson Chapel and Welcome Center will provide even greater visibility for regular chapel services and the faithful conversations that take place at Bethany.

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